POD E0076: The Panda Proclamation Episode

Boobies, Assassins, X-Wings, and Helping the Homeless Will Dropbear ever get over the fact that Panda is right? Because she’s right, you know. He was wrong, and she was right. Find out in this exciting episode. Tim Hortons and Burger King are going to try out a new take-out system; the Tesla Roadster passed [...]

POD E0056: Your Fuzzy Navel

Storyhive, Starbucks, Car2Go, and Homicidal Dwarves There's a lot going on in Dropbear and Panda Land™ from recent film and theatre projects to terrifying people in haunted houses — all this amid the backdrop of some of the biggest brands reducing their presence in the world. Is it the economy, bureaucracy, or something else entirely [...]

POD E0040: The Easter Quickie

Nailed it for Easter We’re turning 40 on Easter weekend AND released our latest film short??!? Goodness we’ve been busy! So busy we could only manage a 30 minute mini-episode this week. The blue wave has replaced the Orange across Alberta again, the Avalanche crushed the Flames, our Easter film short might be slightly offensive [...]

POD E0038: Windmill Cancer Prevention

 It's the Save the World safety episode for your safety, now with more safety Stop the presses! We’ve discovered the cure for Wind Turbine Cancer! Or did we? You be the judge. Or just judge us. But you'll be clogging your way to a store near you to save yourself from this dreaded disease. [...]

POD E0030: The Double-Double Identity

Subscribe Wherever Fine Podcasts are Served: iTunes |  Spotify | GooglePlay Music | LibSyn Canada lost one of it's business and cultural icons – Mr. Ron Joyce – the co-founder of Tim Horton's Doughnuts, so naturally we talk about coffee and memories of timbits gone by—we also uncover Tim Horton's real name and birth place. [...]

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