POD E0038: Windmill Cancer Prevention

 It's the Save the World safety episode for your safety, now with more safety Stop the presses! We’ve discovered the cure for Wind Turbine Cancer! Or did we? You be the judge. Or just judge us. But you'll be clogging your way to a store near you to save yourself from this dreaded disease. [...]

POD E0037: DBP’s Friends with Benefits Program

The Madcap Adventures of Brexit, SNC Lavalin, Justin Trudeau, and VR Video Game Reviews It's episode 37 of the Dropbear and Panda Save the World Podcast of Destiny and the world is just as topsy-turvy as ever. In our role as crack reporters (we're not reporters) we report on news that matters (we know nothing) [...]

POD E0035: Gotta Getta Guinness

St. Patrick's Day, Nobel Peace Prizes, Brexit, Skunk Butts, and Simon King It's St. Patrick's Day and we're celebrating along with our Irish brethren and sistren here and across 'The Pond'. Panda's likely heading out to grab something dark and Irish. We review a comedy show Dropbear helped produce that featured the mind-bending comedic stylings [...]

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