POD E0043: Sock It To You

Sock Jingle Genre Extravaganza, Home Grow-ops, Alabama Abortions, and Mayochup This week we announced the winner of the Dropbear and Panda's Jingle Genre Extravaganza and it's Lisa Wilson for suggesting what is now our new favourite music genre, 'Chap Hop'. We cover some heavy topics coming out of Alabama this week but balance it out [...]

POD E0038: Windmill Cancer Prevention

 It's the Save the World safety episode for your safety, now with more safety Stop the presses! We’ve discovered the cure for Wind Turbine Cancer! Or did we? You be the judge. Or just judge us. But you'll be clogging your way to a store near you to save yourself from this dreaded disease. [...]

POD E0034: It’s Bigger on the Inside

Playstation VR, Anit Vaxxers, and Cannabis Gummi-Bears SUPPORT DB&P BY LISTENING ON RADIO PUBLIC: As if reality wasn't enough, we decide to explore an alternate reality inside of Playstation's VR game system. Dropbear likes flying death; Panda loves adorable robots that sound like kittens. Who knew? Later we talk about the importance of vaccinations and [...]

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