POD E0057: The Almost Holiday-Free Holiday Episode

Haunted Calgary, Civil Disobedience, Drug Recalls, Killer Clowns, and Knightlasers We have a lot to be thankful for in Canada - you know, things like Haunted Houses, super-fun elections, and the fact that we won't dwell on holiday stuff during this episode. You're welcome. From homicidal clowns, to occupying bridges, to epic movie soundtracks that [...]

POD E0053: The Dumb Ways to Die Episode

We're going to take August off for a well deserved vacation but before we go, we've got a new Sock Jingle AND we invite you to invade the Bermuda Triangle! At your own peril, of course. This is a weird one! We talk death by meteors, why eating poisonous bugs is a bad idea, paying [...]

POD E0051: Area 51 Episode

Episode 51 and there's a movement afoot to storm Area 51 There's a thing about to go down in Roswell and Area 51 and it just so happens this is 'Dropbear and Panda Save the World Podcast of Destiny' Episode 51. Coincidence? We think not. The Calgary Stampede is winding down, GlobalFest is winding up, [...]

POD E0046: The Return of Panda

Panda's triumphant return from her sooper secret acting gig Panda is back and she is fired up! Two weeks ago The Panda of Wonder™ left to parts unknown for a top secret acting gig that has her sworn to secrecy ... or does it? From the exciting world of Internet trickery we talk about fake [...]

POD E0044: Jingle Genre Extravaganza

With Panda Away For a Couple Weeks Dropbear Reviews the News Dropbear is all alone for a couple weeks while Panda is away at a Top Secret acting gig so this will be a short episode with Dropbear and the incredible sock jingle created by Rob Mitchelson! Dropbear —the 'Urban Farmer'— has planted his hot [...]

POD E0043: Sock It To You

Sock Jingle Genre Extravaganza, Home Grow-ops, Alabama Abortions, and Mayochup This week we announced the winner of the Dropbear and Panda's Jingle Genre Extravaganza and it's Lisa Wilson for suggesting what is now our new favourite music genre, 'Chap Hop'. We cover some heavy topics coming out of Alabama this week but balance it out [...]

POD E0042: The Meaning of Life

Crazy bacteria, species on the brink, and sock jingles It's mother's day and our gift to moms everywhere and to everyone who has one or knows a mom, we give you... this podcast. You're welcome. It's a weird one this week as we go from antibiotic resistant bacteria to climate change to functional extinction. It [...]

POD E0040: The Easter Quickie

Nailed it for Easter We’re turning 40 on Easter weekend AND released our latest film short??!? Goodness we’ve been busy! So busy we could only manage a 30 minute mini-episode this week. The blue wave has replaced the Orange across Alberta again, the Avalanche crushed the Flames, our Easter film short might be slightly offensive [...]

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