POD E0040: The Easter Quickie

Nailed it for Easter We’re turning 40 on Easter weekend AND released our latest film short??!? Goodness we’ve been busy! So busy we could only manage a 30 minute mini-episode this week. The blue wave has replaced the Orange across Alberta again, the Avalanche crushed the Flames, our Easter film short might be slightly offensive [...]

POD E0019: Unwound Episode

Season 1 - Episode 19 Dropbear is in Victoria and Panda sounds like a robot in this tiny-perfect-episode. We talk the 2026 Olympic Bid for Calgary, 1988 Olympics, more on legalized weed, the lore podcast, and how not to catch a cab in Victoria, BC. LINKS MENTIONED IN  THIS EPISODE Yes Calgary Olympics No [...]

POD E0018: Unparalleled Episode

Season 1 - Episode 18 Canada just legalized marijuana, there are line-ups around the block, and we're getting reports it's like the Apple Store, but for weed. We take a quick trip down mammary lane to the Red Mile for the Calgary Flames playoff run. We recycle and compost like a boss and chat about [...]

POD E0017: Unpredictable Episode

Season 1 - Episode 17 Snow is still falling at Dropbear and Panda Studios and there's word climate change isn't messing around anymore. From Italy to Indonesia, the Florida Panhandle to Ireland, things are pretty messed up. In Canada marijuana is becoming legal in a few days so that should help. We talk theatre, octopus [...]

POD E0016: Unpacked Episode

Season 1 - Episode 16  How many people does it take to move Dropbear and Panda? A small army and a JunkSquad™, that's how many. In this tiny, perfect episode we take a break from moving, acting, and working to talk about our record snowfall, how the move went,  Panda's latest show "Women Playing Hamlet", [...]

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