POD E0069: Everyone’s Favourite Episode

Covid-19, neighbours helping neighbours, save the world Like many of you in the world we’ve just come out of quarantine after our trip abroad (not unlike Punxsutawney Phil). Healthy and happy - albeit a little twitchy - and making the best out physical distancing and isolation by making weird videos, podcasts, playing video games and [...]

POD E0024: Unedited Episode

SEASON 1 - Episode 24 / GET IT HERE (or wherever fine podcasts are served) After six months and 24 episodes we are pleased to announce the end of Season One of the Dropbear and Panda Save the World Podcast. We'll still be putting out new stuff throughout December but Season Two kicks off in January. [...]

POD E0023: Unyielding Episode

SEASON 1 - Episode 23 /  (or wherever fine podcasts are served) What a week! Panda is struggling with the video game Human: Fall Flat and is about ready to throw her controller across the room. Dropbear has had it with the US Sales Invasion known as Black Friday. Then there was that nitwit trying [...]

POD E0022: Undulating Episode

SEASON 1 - Episode 22 /  (or wherever fine podcasts are served) Well the bid for the Olympic Games in Calgary is finally over—in our wee city there are people trumpeting triumphantly, and others crying in their beer—for us it's just another day. A day where Panda is $100 richer. Taxation has gone crazy stacking [...]

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