POD E0073: Like Chocolate and Peanut Butter

Kevin Bacon’s hollow fellah and paying it forward We’re about to go on a hiatus but before we go we want to make sure you know that in this episode we say, “Kevin Bacon’s wiener” an uncomfortable number of times: more than four, and fewer than twelve. Nathan Fillion pays it forward and Michael [...]

POD E0069: Everyone’s Favourite Episode

Covid-19, neighbours helping neighbours, save the world Like many of you in the world we’ve just come out of quarantine after our trip abroad (not unlike Punxsutawney Phil). Healthy and happy - albeit a little twitchy - and making the best out physical distancing and isolation by making weird videos, podcasts, playing video games and [...]

POD E0068: Tropical Vacation Goes Viral Episode

Swimming with sharks, biker bar sing-a-longs, and My Corona Dropbear and Panda are back from their epic adventures across Maui, Hawaii, just in time to get quarantined-not-quarantined thanks to the ever-so popular CORVID-19 Flu Virus Pandemic that’s sweeping the nation like a brand-new boyband. LISTEN TO E068 ON SPOTIFY: We met some amazing animals and [...]

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