POD E0069: Everyone’s Favourite Episode

Covid-19, neighbours helping neighbours, save the world Like many of you in the world we’ve just come out of quarantine after our trip abroad (not unlike Punxsutawney Phil). Healthy and happy - albeit a little twitchy - and making the best out physical distancing and isolation by making weird videos, podcasts, playing video games and [...]

POD E0019: Unwound Episode

Season 1 - Episode 19 Dropbear is in Victoria and Panda sounds like a robot in this tiny-perfect-episode. We talk the 2026 Olympic Bid for Calgary, 1988 Olympics, more on legalized weed, the lore podcast, and how not to catch a cab in Victoria, BC. LINKS MENTIONED IN  THIS EPISODE Yes Calgary Olympics No [...]

POD E0012: Underestimated Episode

Season 1 - Episode 11  Can we agree that the Eighties were a weird time all around? It's cool to see some things are coming back into vogue like solid punk, thrash, and the band Suicidal Tendencies, but lets hope neon stays where it belongs. In this episode we get into it over both awesome [...]

POD E0011: Unobjectionable Episode

Season 1 - Episode 11  In less than two months Canada is about to legalize marijuana and Dropbear talks a little about the medical benefits. DB&P find themselves questioning TWEED and the Calgary Parking Authority over some recent advertising in Kensington, then of course there's earthquakes and fire everywhere. We talk a little politics, visit [...]

POD E0006: Unhinged Episode

Season 1 - Episode 6 You just know it's going to be a weird few weeks when the World Cup ends, Dropbear loses a bet against Panda, Trump heads on over to Russia to hang with Putin, and some well-meaning folks are about to open three sarcophagi housing some mummies. What could possibly go [...]

POD E0004: Unflappable Episode

Season 1 - Episode 4 Dropbear and Panda Save the World again! Dropbear gets the drop on Panda by talking about drone armies filling the night sky instead of exploding fireworks; Panda further explains her well-documented fear of sharks; the plight of the Thai Soccer team caught in a cave; climate change, how to fight a [...]

POD E0003: Unscripted and Uncut Episode

Season 1 - Episode 3 Dropbear and Panda are at it again and this time we make some predictions on the outcomes of the Top 16 in World Cup Soccer 2018, talk about our travels (including Dropbear trading Hooker Cards in Las Vegas), Fallout 4, the joys of Neebs Gaming, some favourite books, and [...]

POD E002: Unsupervised Episode

Season 1 - Episode 2 Dropbear and Panda are left to their own devices in the studio this week and the discussion gets deep and heated (heh) around World Cup Soccer 2018, US Immigration Policies, the 'truth' in reporting, of course SpaceForce®, Canadian television from The Beachcombers to Degrassi to Kim's Convenience. Panda sings a television [...]

POD E0001: Badger Goes to Russia

Welcome to Season 1, Episode 1 of the Dropbear and Panda Save the World Podcast: Badger goes to Russia. Dropbear and Panda sit down with one of Panda's best friends, Scott Picket (AKA Badger), to talk about his forthcoming motorcycle trip from Ireland to Russia. During this episode of DB&P Save the World we shamelessly [...]

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