POD E0085: The Capo-No-You-D’Int Episode

Bigfeet, burning oranges and saving the world one animal at a time Thanks (?) to our knack for reviewing bad movies, we were asked to review “CAPONE”… and boy, was it ever… a thing... that we did. Sort of. The Alberta War Room attacks an animated film for children, we praise two gentlemen in [...]

POD E0084: The Seven Footer Episode

Filming in the age of Covid, Netflix reviews, and a tiny Koala Pirate We’re recording at Kensington Studio this weekend but we can’t seem to escape the snowblowers outside. We think they’re stalking us. Send help. Or…. less snow. Filming commercials in the time of Covid, sharks with feet are keeping Australia on their [...]

POD E0024: Unedited Episode

SEASON 1 - Episode 24 / GET IT HERE (or wherever fine podcasts are served) After six months and 24 episodes we are pleased to announce the end of Season One of the Dropbear and Panda Save the World Podcast. We'll still be putting out new stuff throughout December but Season Two kicks off in January. [...]

POD E0011: Unobjectionable Episode

Season 1 - Episode 11  In less than two months Canada is about to legalize marijuana and Dropbear talks a little about the medical benefits. DB&P find themselves questioning TWEED and the Calgary Parking Authority over some recent advertising in Kensington, then of course there's earthquakes and fire everywhere. We talk a little politics, visit [...]

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