Jesus and Santa

Holy jingle bells it’s Jesus’ birthday again and Santa has come bearing gifts. What do you get the Son of a God who has everything? Heck, he’s already had Frankincense, myrrh, and a drum solo. WRITTEN BY Jennifer MacLean JESUS Michael Dean Dargie SANTA Jennifer MacLean Cinematography by Colleen MacLean Edited By Michael Dean [...]

POD E0080: The Feetometre Spider Episode

Cocaine Ghost Ships and the Guardians of the Galaxy It’s our last episode before Christmas so we have to mention Christmas at least once or twice - in between stories of Cocaine Ghost Ships and Space Force Guardians! We re-examine our favourite music videos and delve into the best and worst holiday movies we’ve [...]

SHORT FILM: Happy Hannukwanzmas

Tis the season to buy stuff. Panda needed to freshen her car —the MATRIX —and picked up an all season air freshener. One thing you have to love about Panda is her commitment to a fresh-smelling car, if not her sustainable tree-cutting practices.

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