POD E0084: The Seven Footer Episode

Filming in the age of Covid, Netflix reviews, and a tiny Koala Pirate We’re recording at Kensington Studio this weekend but we can’t seem to escape the snowblowers outside. We think they’re stalking us. Send help. Or…. less snow. Filming commercials in the time of Covid, sharks with feet are keeping Australia on their [...]

POD E0064: Winter is Ballz Episode

Winter in Canada, Movie Reviews, and How to Save the World When the planet is topsy-turvy and it seems like there's very little good in the world, Dropbear and Panda are on the case to find the fun with news, reviews, and ways to save the world that might actually work. We've been nominated for [...]

POD E0055: Like a Hot Dog in a Hurricane

Canadian politics, Seals, Aliens, and Dad's Things are happening in Canada. Some of it's liberating, some of it conservative by nature, other parts are green, and there's a subtle whiff of something new and democratic.  Aliens are ready to party but the Powers That Be have pooh-poohed the idea; someone is sorry for messing up [...]

POD E0006: Unhinged Episode

Season 1 - Episode 6 You just know it's going to be a weird few weeks when the World Cup ends, Dropbear loses a bet against Panda, Trump heads on over to Russia to hang with Putin, and some well-meaning folks are about to open three sarcophagi housing some mummies. What could possibly go [...]

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